Mar 20, 2011


    Alright so I'm gonna start off with a small note to readers:
I keep telling myself I'm gonna write more in this blog, I like sharing whats on my mind but it can  be tough sometimes. We're at a really busy juncture in the school year right now and I don't have a computer at home so I'm usually in the labs at school doing my work. The labs are great, but I don't like spending more time in them than I need to, hence the lack of posts ;)

    Anyways, we have a lot going on right now, All our classes seem to have nearly hit the peak as far as work load goes and nearly all of them at the same time. Throw in the fact that I'm writing this on the eve of Advisory Board and it equals a bit of stress. But sometimes I wonder if there's something wrong with me; I have numerous assignments coming up that are rather large and I don't feel a lot of pressure to get them done. Some people call it layed back, but I'm not sure what to call it.
See I understand the importance of school and learning. but isn't the process of learning supposed to add to your passion and not take away from it? See I love photography, I love looking at photos and taking photo's, this is why I got into the industry. But sometimes I feel like Belleville is taking away from that passion that I have for photography. I can't exactly pinpoint where the problem lies, but when I take photos here I'm just not into it, I catch a glimpse of why I love photography but i can't seem to grasp the whole picture. I seem to think that the reasoning for this is because I'm living in Belleville right now. The city seems to bring my mood down a little and maybe that drop in my mood is reflected in my photography? However, I do have another hypothesis. I'm not exactly enjoying the mind frame I'm in when I shoot. I like photography because it gives people a chance to express themselves through photos or let other people express themselves. But sometimes I think the industry is involves to much ego. Some people (emphasis on SOME) either A. Are trying to impress people to improve their self confidence, which isn't bad except when Mr.Ego is waiting behind the door. Or B. Some people are using their ego to judge other peoples work and the feeling of being a critigue gives Mr. Ego satisfaction. I'm not saying every photographer belongs in one of these categories, just that sometimes I myself categorise myself in one of those categories, and it leads me to think that I'm lilely not the only one... unless I am... then this whole little rant can be ignored. ;)
I guess all I'm really trying to say is I'm tired of taking photos of things/people in order to impress other people. That's where I've lost touch, but maybe that's the price of learning?

Okay so I think that's it for ranting posts.. I try to base my life on trying to Inspire people, not complain to them. As far as taking photos goes, I haven't shot a terribly large amount in the last while, but I shot my first hockey game and my cousin got married so there's a little bit to satisfy the visually oriented.

    I'm gonna take this chance to update people on whats happening in the near future.
First off we have like a month or something left of school and then first year is complete. Basically my plan for the summer is to Live in Squamish in a Van, tent, or car and take as many photos as I can while staying active... thats as far as plans go... guess it really depends on job opportunities...

    So we have a bunch of assignments due in upcoming weeks so stay posted, there will be lots of work to show!