Feb 24, 2011

Officially Published

When I came to this course back in September, I wasn’t incredibly interested in working for a Newspaper, ironic right? Someone joins a photojournalism course without the intention of working at a paper. I don’t believe I’m the only one who initially had this thought, but I know fellow students have had work previously published in local papers including the school paper.
Diane Burley, Carrie Allen, Rob Lloyd, and Esther Parry in Doubt
In the First semester I had no intention of being published in a paper, partly because I felt my photography didn’t belong in a paper and partly because I was avoiding it. One of the important things I’ve learned is that news doesn’t mean murders crimes and accidents. I always knew sports were part of the news, after all that used to be the only section of the newspaper I paid attention to. But news really entails so much more than just that. Most people come to this program with a wish to travel, as have I, we look for the documentary side of photojournalism as being something that we would want to do in the future. But now a’days most of what the newspaper is are small little documentary articles they’re just split up into different categories, Life, Sports, Arts and Entertainment, Business etc.  You see this more in smaller cities, where there isn’t a large amount predominate subject matter, you get smaller feature stories that can be interesting and intriguing.
Just like the way I shoot, I hope not to stray to far from my personal preferences when it comes to what I choose to write about. This is why I have chosen a bit of a Live Arts theme this semester, not just for writing but also for both my multimedia and multiple pictures classes. The first product of my labor was for writing, I chose to write about a play and try to get a photograph. I hadn’t had much experience with hands-on legitimate articles about people. I didn’t have a lot of time to photograph and interview the cast of the play but I’m proud of the outcome it was a great learning experience. The article ended up being my first published work, both the photo and the story.
No this hasn’t affected the lack of desire to work for a newspaper, it sure is a good feeling to have your work noticed and published, even if its just the school paper.
Check it out the full article  at http://www.qnetnews.ca/?p=6850

1 comment:

Rachel said...